Fee (Untaxable) Early Bird Registration until 14 July
Regular 550 Euro
Student 200 Euro
※Accompanying person fee:$100 (Accompanying person fee includes welcome reception, excursion, and conference dinner.)
The deadline of the early bird registration is 15 July, 2024 (UTC+6).
Participation in the international school - free of charge!!
Registration Summary
Total Price: 550
The registration system is now not working.
Payment can be made either by credit card or bank transfer.
For any requests related to registration, please contact us by email. Please let us know if you need visa application support.
Registration Fee:
Regular registration fee includes a scientific program, an abstract book, coffee breaks and lunches during the conference, welcome reception, excursion, and conference dinner.
Student fee includes the same as that of regular participants. Proof of current studentship must be sent to benefit from this discount (e.g., a scanned copy of the student ID card or a letter from your supervisor).
In the case of cancellation, the following fee is charged.
From 31 May to 31 July : No cancellation fee will be charged.
From 1 August to 9 August : 50 % will be refunded. (Cancellation fee is 50% of the payment.)
On or after 10 August : No refund will be provided. (Cancellation fee is 100 % of the payment.)
No refunds will be granted for no-shows.
Financial support
Thanks to the funding from our sponsors, we provide registration fee support to some student participants. If you would like to apply for this support, please send us an application form (Download a template)
The deadline for the application is 10th May. The decision will be notified to all applicants by no later than 16th June.
The applicants are requested not to pay the registration fee before the notification.
VISA support
You will be asked whether you request VISA support in the Registratration procedure.
If you need a VISA to enter Kazakhstan, we will assist you in providing documents for your visa application:
We will send an email to those who requested VISA support.
Deadline for the VISA support request is August 1.
Methods of Payment
Payment can be made in Euros via bank transfer. Any bank commissions, exchange charges, or fees are the responsibility of the registrant.
Payment in EURO
Beneficiary: Individual Entrepreneur Bukina
Address: Imanbayeva, 3, ap. 220, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010000a
Beneficiary Bank: JSC Halyk Bank
Account: KZ11601A871026070731 (EUR)
Payment in KZT
Beneficiary: Individual Entrepreneur Bukina
Address: Imanbayeva, 3, ap. 220, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010000a
Beneficiary Bank: JSC Halyk Bank
Account: KZ75601A871026067251 (KZT)
Payment in USD
Beneficiary: Individual Entrepreneur Bukina
Address: Imanbayeva, 3, ap. 220, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010000a
Beneficiary Bank: JSC Halyk Bank
Account: KZ11601A871026070731 (USD)